A Tree Swing Called Belonging

A Tree Swing Called Belonging tells the story of discovering the delights of learning differently and the universal hope of belonging, as experienced through the eyes of an educator. This is a story of hope, belonging, celebration, and triumph.

About the Author

Alison Trotter, the author, holding Tree Swing Called Belonging open to an inside spread.

Alison Trotter writes courageously from an internal perspective, expressing her desire to honor everyone's learning journey as the unique and wondrous paths they are. She fondly calls the special needs community 'The Dandelion Wonder' and begins to joyfully describe this in her book. The book is incomplete without her husband's brilliant illustrations, whose colorful and whimsical style truly makes it wondrous.

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“This is THE most amazing book… My first grade students love the book and so do I! We had such a great conversation about the book and people and differences. We talked about including others and finding the joy inside, even when things seem challenging. It is such a great story!!”

Nicole Berzins Teacher at Lake Carolina Elementary School

“My writer friend Alison Trotter just released her first children's book, "A Tree Swing Called Belonging" this week! My copy arrived in the mail yesterday. It's such a sweet story of friendship and the beauty of being different and finding your own song to sing.”

Holly Hall Becker Author of the Bed Head children’s book series
Online version of the book you can read on your phone.